Validated Wellness

Contribute to ​Evidence Based ​Wellness

Help us validate wellness solutions ​from the comfort of your own ​home


We conduct virtual trials for leading wellness brands ​using wearables and various home testing options. We ​are currently recruiting healthy participants* to be ​involved in our studies.

*PRUVN™ is not currently recruiting study participants diagnosed with a medical condition.

We take your privacy ​seriously

All information is secure and protected on our ​HIPAA compliant platform.

We will NEVER sell your personal data to a third ​party and all research data collected will be de-​identified unless you provide your explicit ​permission.


Be compensated to ​contribute to science​

All study participants receive complimentary ​wellness products in exchange for their ​participation. Many studies include additional ​incentiv​e​s.

Some studies may provide participants weara​bles from leading brands such as Garmin, Oura​ and othe​rs.

Ready to Jo​in?

To keep your data secure please click the link be​low to register your information on our HIPAA comp​liant platf​orm.

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